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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

18th July 2018
Windsurfing: Secret Spot Tanner Lane nr Lymington
Wind Direction: SW
Wind Stength: 8/10
Surf / Sea State: smooth
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny and warm
Max Speed: 16.23 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 2 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Wednesday 18th July – walks *** & windsurf * Tanners Lane, The Solent and Basingstoke Canal – sunny and warm

F2 Ride 282 with Tushingham Lightning 7.8 m.

16.23 knot max., 10.07 knot ave., 0.00 knot hour, 5.94 knot mile, 2.50 km., 5.76 knot alpha.

Our second night at the lovely Tanners Lane beach and woke to another sunny day but still. Our plan was to move off today perhaps to a canal somewhere but our son messaged us on WhatsApp to take us up on our offer to look after Grandson Arlo on Thursday night while they went to the pictures so we just relaxed into the day. Breakfast outside then exercises on the beach, a bit nosier than of late as a small group school kids, named Hector, Brandon and Harry who liked shouting a lot came down with as many adult helpers and spent an hour or two terrorising the local crab and fish population! There were also a few families down, the private schools must have broken up for the summer, several cyclists and walkers but still very far from crowded! The wind forecast was for 8 mph from the SW but I thought I would at least wait until midday to see if the sea breeze would kick. Mag suggested we do the short walk towards Lymington she did as it got dark last night to link up our track from a previous bike ride. It was only a couple of miles first along the beach and then through the woods with lovely views out of the Solent looking much different this time with the tide out. The three ponies I had seen earlier on the beach had disappeared but we did come across a small herd of cows on the foreshore the wrong side of the barbed wire fence. Then it was back to the van for another top salad and check the wind, only gusting to 12 mph so not enough for the kit I have there. Then at about 2.30 the windsurfer from Lymington came down for the third day in a row and started to rig his 6.5 (his largest sail) so I decided to give it a try with the tide now well up. I rigged my biggest kit, the 7.8 but after one wobblily run out I soon discovered it was nowhere near windy enough so we decided to pack up and head inland in search of a canal. I had found a suitable place on the Basingstoke Canal near Guildford/Woking so we headed the 72 miles there mainly up the M 3 so got there in good time despite heavy traffic getting out of the New Forest. We quickly found a small carpark by the lock keepers cottage just outside Brookwood near Woking even if a little near a busy railway line and road but it will do for the night. A mum and her two sons arrived, pumped up their canoes and paddle off up stream, dog included. We spoke to a nice man on a mountain bike who told us the best route for a ride tomorrow. Then after tea we walked a mile to Brookwood to buy an ice-cream and then came back along the canal spotting a water vole and a kingfisher, the canal water looks way too clear for narrow boats to be using it but will find out for sure when we explore tomorrow. Fingers crossed its not too noisy here tonight!

Photo Gallery Here

Toys Used:
F2 Ride - Limited Edition 282
Tushingham Lightning 7.8
North Silverline 180/230
Mystic Yourizoon Shortie xl



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